Category: Singapore
Exploring Singapore in Three Days
My first visit to the Lion City was way back in 2012 when all I wanted to see was the famous Merlion statue and visit Universal Studios. It was also during those times that my friend and I first traveled abroad together for almost two […]
The Kitties of Neko No Niwa Cat Cafe
My closest friends know that I am a lover of the feline species. I have two cats myself. But I used to have more during my childhood years when I have all the free time in the world to take care of them and play […]
Getting to Singapore Downtown After Midnight
My Singapore trip last August was unplanned on my part. So that meant booking in a rush since I went with my friend who already had her ticket booked a few weeks earlier. But her flight’s arrival time was past twelve midnight. I had no […]
Why Stay in Box Capsule Hostel Singapore
My Singapore trip a couple of weeks ago was unscheduled and timely at the same time. Unscheduled because the decision to accompany my friend came in the last few days of her departure and timely since I felt the need to take a break from […]
The Cats I Met While In SG-MLY-THAI
Of course, this travel of mine will not be complete without having a photo shoot with a cat-I-met-while-on-the road. Singapore I did not have that lucky chance to interact with a live cat here. But I was blessed by the heavens when I met […]
Gardens By The Bay, Little India, Chinatown and Cross-border Trip to Malaysia
We wanted to visit Gardens by the Bay at night specially on the night of our second day. However, we were pretty tired and decided to drop by here first thing in the morning. Chie and I agreed that we will strictly follow our schedule […]
New Friends On The Road, Universal Studios And A Little Bit Of Sentosa
What I found nice in our stay in Singapore were the new friends we met during our first morning. Guests come from different nations but the friendliest are from neighboring Malaysia and Japan. Koji, me, Chie and Azian Koji is also a traveler from Japan. […]
Singapore Skyline, Merlion, Marina Sands and the Cute Couple
After going through several mishaps on our way to Singapore, finally we arrived safe and sound at exactly 1.35 PM as promised by our confirmation e-mail. We were actually bracing ourselves for a set of strict interviews once we come face to face with SG’s […]
At The Airport
The day has finally arrived. Me and my friend Chie met at exactly 6 AM at our agreed meeting place. We still could not believe it was actually happening! All was going well until we approached Pasay City area. Our taxi driver thought we asked […]