
Move Forward and Never Be Still

Category: Write-Up

Sticking To Your Budget: A Must in Times of Crisis

Sticking To Your Budget: A Must in Times of Crisis

Wishing for bad things to happen isn’t in my of cup tea. But sometimes these come as blessings in disguise. The worldwide crisis that is the Covid-19 pandemic has brought chaos in our lives in ways we haven’t thought of before. But it also had […]

Fun in the Summer: 5 Travel Hacks you Need to Know in 2021

Fun in the Summer: 5 Travel Hacks you Need to Know in 2021

Traveling can be the best way to calm your soul and reset after months of hard work. It gives you time, space, and freedom to explore and live a meaningful life. Additionally, traveling is an excellent way to interact with nature.  Would you love to […]

5 Must-See Attractions In Michigan

5 Must-See Attractions In Michigan

Nestled between four of the Great Lakes, Michigan is a state with a lot of natural beauty on its doorstep. There’s also a lot of history and culture to explore here from craft beer to cars. Below are just five of the biggest attractions you […]

How to Learn More About Canada’s History in Ottawa

How to Learn More About Canada’s History in Ottawa

Traveling has long been one of my childhood dreams. But this dream has not been realized until I was an adult and financially independent. I have been to a number of Asian countries already. And it still amazes me how traveling brings a different kind […]

What To Do In Your Free Time: Play Online Games

What To Do In Your Free Time: Play Online Games

It is no secret that the Philippines has the longest lockdown in the world. Since March 15, 2020, our government has imposed different levels of quarantine due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. More than a year into working from home, I am finding ways to […]

Why Being Financially Literate is Important

Why Being Financially Literate is Important

It does not take a rocket scientist that being financially literate is an advantage nowadays. With the ongoing pandemic, what used to be our stable sources of income have either dwindled down, changed or worst, many have lost their income source altogether. The past year […]

COVID-19: My Thoughts on Investment

COVID-19: My Thoughts on Investment

The past year had been an eye-opener for me on so many things. The pandemic has wrecked so much havoc in our lives that many economic markets have been literally shut down. Travel and tourism had been badly hit, an incredible amount of jobs have […]

UPDATE: Surigao del Norte Now Accepts COVID-19 Saliva Test for Tourists

UPDATE: Surigao del Norte Now Accepts COVID-19 Saliva Test for Tourists

Yes! You read it right. Surigao del Norte Gov. Francisco Matugas on Tuesday has approved a memorandum allowing COVID-19 saliva test as a substitute for the usual RT-PCR-test as a pre-requisite for travelers visiting the province. The memorandum reads: “A negative result on COVID-19 Saliva […]

A New Year’s Dream

A New Year’s Dream

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! Yes, here we are still hoping and praying for a new year despite still being in the midst of a pandemic. 2020 has been spent mostly indoors. But with great caution, we all have slowly adapted to the ‘now’ normal. […]

BookTouristVan.com: Traveling via Vans Now with Online Booking

BookTouristVan.com: Traveling via Vans Now with Online Booking

With protocols and restrictions limiting public transportation, government-registered tourist vans are now offering regular trips to common provincial destinations. Extending an online booking service through http://booktouristvan.com, pre-booking to ride the trip is a requirement. The online platform is powered by Biyaheroes and it aids van […]