I almost forgot that I listed this place as part of my Shenzhen itinerary. But I quickly remembered it when I was checking the Shenzhen subway map. Seaworld station popped out and was like shouting ‘hey don’t forget me!’
After visiting Chiwan, I was already thinking of taking a nap at my hotel before venturing out to the city again that night. However, the looming cloudy skies made me feel tired again so I said to myself might as well drop by here since it was just two stations away from Chiwan.
The gloomy weather added more to my already bored feeling. But seeing the luxury-liner-turned-tourist attraction was more than enough to keep me entertained.
Seaworld Plaza was opened to the public in 2003 as an International entertainment hub. Its main attraction is the former French luxury liner known as Anceevilla. In 1973, China bought this ship and renamed it Minghua. The ship was then converted into a hotel/tourist information centre.

I would have enjoyed exploring Sea World but it began to drizzle and my mind was beginning to wander back to my hotel room. I decided to have a meal at the McDonald’s located here and was happy to see the self-help kiosk just like I the one I used in Ortigas. However, my order was not a success as I did not have a local card. 🙁 So I went back to the counter and ordered the old way. haha.

After eating, I circled the area another time and went back to the subway. I thought this was a good place to people watch and just kill time at one of the nice looking cafes but the weather went crazy. Nonetheless, it was good I got to see the big liner up close! I think it had the most shots in my camera.