This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.
I am visiting Korea before end of this year and any avid K-Pop or K-Drama fan knows that being in trend is a must for a girl traveling to Korea. Since Korea is a four-season country, lots of planning is needed in order to be in with what’s in. I will be there in autumn just when the colors are in full bloom. I already have a list in mind what outfit to buy without sacrificing my pocket. But aside from external wear, my next major concern is what hairstyle should I don when I land in one of my dream destinations.
Having been born with a straight hair, I have always wanted to have curly or wavy hair like I did back in 2014. It was difficult to maintain but the efforts were worth it. Many were complimenting my new look so I guessed it did look great. I am planning to have my locks curled again. I found out that not only it boost my aesthetics, I had also discovered a more natural way of maintaining a-girl-always-on-the-go look. Talk about being in style while on travel. 🙂

However, doing this could entail a lot from my budget so the thought of trying wigs, like the ones in milky way hair, crosses my mind at times. If you’d notice, their wigs are quite natural-looking, and available in different styles too (You can check out more styles on It will be hard to choose when the time comes to finally decide. But I think I will opt for the small curls just like in the picture above. 🙂
#BlackHairspray #beauty #ad