
Move Forward and Never Be Still

Why Having a Band that Matches Your Venue Matters

Why Having a Band that Matches Your Venue Matters

It wasn’t long ago that we were all free to watch movies in the cinemas or go to the mall to go shopping. Gone were the days (but I now it is just temporary) that we could all plan an impromptu out of town or vacation as well. As traveling is one of my favorite things to do during my down time, it can be a bit expensive sometimes too as I like to travel frequently.

But before I even got interested in traveling, there were the classic things that had caught my interest. These were reading, writing and listening to music. Being a teenager in the 90s had me wanting more and more of pop music. Who would not remember everybody’s favorite Spice Girls, the then-innocent Britney Spears and beautiful Mandy Moore? I also wouldn’t count Madonna out as she still very popular then. But as a young girl , I tend to lean towards male artists. Single acts, duos, boy bands you name it.

As most of the boy band acts then were from Western countries, watching them perform on the TV had become a habit to me. Of course, I couldn’t afford yet to travel to the countries where they originate or where they frequently perform. I would just watch replays of their concerts on local TV. The Internet was not yet the norm then whereas today you can just switch on Youtube and watch them perform live or replays of their concerts. I actually found myself getting amazed by the large concert venues where they performed. It was surreal to see them I up close, I would always muse.

Listening to and watching bands, and where these acts actually perform matter in the overall audience experience. I have been to several concerts of the Backstreet Boys here in Manila and I must say that where they perform and other artists in general, add more to the magical experience of concert going.

Even bands for hire for small events like weddings or special occasions can know what they can give given the vibe of the place where they will be performing. I think it also adds up to their energy if the place where they perform is a perfect fit to their genre. Or to their market audience. Choosing the right venue for artists is one of the aspects of an event’s marketability. I think event goers will also likely consider locations that are clean, safe and secure. They would also consider the artist’s offering. If it is a rock band, a wide open space is considered over closed spaces. While a soul singer is best interacting with an intimate few in a cozy indoor setting.

Once the time comes that we are allowed to watch live concerts and events again, I think I would choose to watch in big, open arenas or in airy, high-ceilinged indoor venues first since we have been stuck in quarantine for the longest time. This would also ensure a more safe environment whilst still enjoying the downtime we all deserve in the present normal.

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